Heraldry LLC



Heraldry Arms is committed to providing the most advanced and comprehensive selection of firearms designed for modern home protection and concealed carry. We help you select the right fit for your body type and personal needs, then train you to use this weapon in a safe and responsible manner.
We equip you with the tools to respond to threats with confidence. 


Be prepared. Be empowered. Be responsible.

her·ald·ry: (hĕr′əl-drē)n. pl. her·ald·ries


a. The profession, study, or art of devising, granting, and blazoning arms, tracing genealogies, and determining and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms.

b. The occupation or study concerned with the classification of armorial bearings, the allocation of rights to bear arms, the tracing of genealogies, etc.


Learn things your way. 

Whether you're learning how to safely operate a handgun, or becoming a proficient marksman, Heraldry offers the classes for you. We can qualify you for a Concealed Carry Handgun Permit, or help you hone your skills. Train with instructors in group settings, or schedule private instruction sessions for special attention and customized curricula. 

Reserve the Training Area for your next team-building outings. Build confidence in yourself and your abilities.


Shop without intimidation.

Shopping at Heraldry has been compared to ordering custom suits or having a fine gown fitting. Experienced consultants will measure your hands and decide which firearm is best for your body type and carry style. We offer a supportive and informative environment where there are no dumb questions.

We also proudly offer personal shopping experiences by appointment for the utmost in privacy and personal attention.


Elite products curated for discerning clientele.

Heraldry Arms researches and tests new products to take the guesswork out of your investment. From polymer tipped ammunition to state of the art striker-fired handguns with redundant safeties, we have the best in technology waiting for you. We can even provide you with storage solutions ranging from biometric gun storage to custom-formed concealment holsters that won't print when you carry.

Only the best in performance and safety.


Heraldry Arms proudly provides closely supervised training and instruction in a supportive controlled environment.


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