Heraldry Arms can facilitate a transfer for you if you are buying a firerarm on the internet or from another seller. Simply arrange your purchase details and give us the FFL# from your seller, and we can handle the rest. Your firearm will be shipped to our receiving department and we will handle the transfer and ATF form 4473 for a $30 flat fee for each gun. Currently enrolled training subscribers (link to training levels) can transfer firearms free of charge while under valid contract.


If we are shipping a firearm for you, you will be required to provide us with the destination FFL’s information, the recipients name and contact information, and type of firearm being shipped. Heraldry Arms ships firearms via UPS and Fedex. Each of these common carriers will insure a package up to $500.00. If you require more coverage on your package, you must inform us via email that the package is to be insured and the value of the package. Heraldry Arms accepts no responsibility for shipped packages, unless the value is expressly stated via email to our staff prior to package shipment. All packages valued at over $500.00 will be insured for the value stated. Packaging is the responsibility of the owner. If Heraldry packages the product, our liability is limited to the cost of the shipping charges.